Breaking News:-

Oxygen Plant at B&J Hospital crucial for patient care, steps taken to mitigate noise issue: Hospital Administration

Every effort being made to minimize any inconvenience

SRINAGAR: The Authorities at Bone & Joint Hospital Barzulla today clarified that the Oxygen Plant in question by some residents for generating noise was installed following the COVID-19 pandemic and has been operational for over two years now.

As per an official communique, the hospital administration promptly addressed the issue with the Engineering Department, requesting immediate action to mitigate the noise while ensuring patient care remains unaffected.

Following which the Engineering Department has initiated steps to install noise-reducing tools at the plant, providing relief to nearby residents.

The Oxygen Plant is crucial for patient care, and every effort will be made to minimize any inconvenience, read the statement.

Regarding vehicle parking in the vicinity, it should be noted that the area houses multiple departments, and the vehicles parked there likely belong to employees from these various departments.

Our hospital has secured a parking area behind the hospital, where all our employees park their vehicles during working days. Any violations are being addressed by the traffic department, which regularly visits the area, tows away improperly parked vehicles, and imposes fines.

Thus, the issue of improper parking is being effectively managed by the relevant authorities, read the statement.

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