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DGP RR Swain greets police pariwar, people of J&K on Buddha Purnima

JAMMU: Director General of Police (DGP) J&K RR Swain Thursday extended heartfelt greetings and warm wishes to dedicated police pariwar, families of martyr's and people of Jammu and Kashmir on the auspicious occasion of Buddha Purnima.

DGP in his message said that this day serves as a reminder to all of us to embrace the timeless principles of peace, love, and self-awareness. Let the noble principles of Lord Buddha continue to illuminate our path, and may we all strive to genuinely contribute to the well-being and prosperity of the society. Buddha's teachings guide us towards a state of balance, resilience, and selflessness, which are crucial in fulfilling our duties as law enforcement personnel, DGP added.

In the spirit of Lord Buddha's teachings, "I sincerely emphasise upon all our police personnel to lead their lives with a strong sense of responsibility, integrity, and self-discipline, and strive to serve the community with dedication and humility, DGP further added.


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