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Wildlife Protection Department, Shopian celebrates 'World Species Congress'

SHOPIAN: The Department of Wildlife Protection, UT of Jammu and Kashmir in collaboration with the Wildlife Trust of India today celebrated 'World Species Congress' at Patandoban Hirpora, here.

The program commenced with an insightful discussion on the critically endangered species of the area, emphasizing the importance of their protection and conservation efforts.

Following the discussion, a vibrant painting competition was held, engaging

participants from various schools across the district. The competition provided a creative platform for young minds to express their perspectives on wildlife conservation and the rich biodiversity of the region.

Subsequently the awards were given to the first three positions.

In his address, the Wildlife Warden of Shopian/ South Wildlife Divisions underscored the critical role of wildlife in maintaining ecological balance and the collective responsibility to protect our natural heritage, and highlighted the significance of conserving Wildlife Species mostly in Red List of Red Dat book and the need to inculcate the spirit among common masses, particularly youth.

Special preference was given to the world's largest goat "Markhor" which is the pride of district Shopian found in Hirpora Wildlife Sanctuary.

Tanushree Srivastava, Head mountain unglate Project, J&K WTI also highlighted the significance of wildlife conservation and the impactful efforts of collaborative initiatives in reversing the decline of endangered species.

The afternoon session of the event was attended by the Deputy Commissioner, Shopian, chief guest of the event, who appreciated the efforts of the Shopian Wildlife Division in conservation of Wildlife.

The event concluded with a vote of thanks by Sohail Ahmad Wagay, Wildlife Warden, Shopian/ South Wildlife Divisions who expressed gratitude to all participants, guests and collaborators for their support and commitment to wildlife conservation.

He urged locals for their positive participation and their support for the conservation of the Wildlife.

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