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4-Day Workshop on 3D Printing and Its Applications concludes at JU

JAMMU: A four-day workshop focused on "3D Printing and Its Applications," organized under the Skill Incubation Innovation Entrepreneurship Development Centre (SIIEDC) initiative concluded at the University of Jammu today.

The workshop was organised for the students enrolled in the innovative Design Your Degree (DYD) program from April 29 to May 02, 2024.

The students were immersed in an intensive exploration of 3D printing technology and its diverse applications,

Led by Director, SIIEDC, Prof. Alka Sharma, and coordinated by Dr. Sandeep Arya, Assistant Professor, Department of Physics, the workshop featured twelve meticulously crafted modules aimed at providing students with hands-on experience and fostering interactive discussions.

Distinguished faculty members including Prof. K.S. Charak, Prof. Dipankar Sen Gupta, Prof. Sadaf Shah, Dr. Pallavi Sachdeva, and Dr. Chinmoyee Maharana actively engaged with the participants, enriching the learning experience.

The highlight of the workshop was the invaluable contribution of Er. T.N. Siva Chary, an Associate Technical Engineer from Mekuva Technologies, Hyderabad, who served as the resource person. Er. Chary shared deep insights into various 3D printing technologies and their practical applications.

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