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SVEEP awareness programme organised at Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah (RA) shrine

RAJOURI: A significant Systematic Voters Education and Electoral Participation (SVEEP) awareness programme was today organized at revered Shrine of Hazrat Baba Ghulam Shah Badshah (RA) at Shahdara Sharief here.

 The initiative, held under the esteemed guidance of District Election Officer (DEO) Rajouri, Om Prakash Bhagat, aimed at fostering electoral awareness and participation among  devotees and visitors.

The event saw  participation of  Nodal Officer SVEEP, Prof. Mohd Iqbal Raina, alongside the District SVEEP Team, comprising Prof. Khalid Rayaz, Mohammad Ayaz Raina lecturer, Aftab Shawl, Ashiq Shawl and Nodal Officer SVEEP-87 Thannamandi, Prof. Ather Aziz. The collective efforts of team were instrumental in engaging audience and imparting valuable insights on significance of voting in upholding a vibrant democracy.

The venue witnessed a massive influx of devotees hailing from various corners of Union Territory and Nation at large. Amidst this vibrant congregation, the SVEEP team, in collaboration with Shrine staff, delivered enlightening addresses, emphasizing the pivotal role of every citizen’s vote in shaping the democratic fabric of Nation.

The speakers including Prof. Mohammad Iqbal Raina, Prof. (Dr) Khalid Rayaz and Mohammad Ayaz Raina eloquently articulated the importance of electoral participation, urging individuals to exercise their democratic right responsibly.

The SVEEP team extended its heartfelt gratitude to Administrator Aquaf, Abdul Qayoom Mir, Shrine staff for their unwavering cooperation and support in facilitating this impactful awareness program at the Shrine.

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