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Hindi film 'Article 370' should be made tax-free in Jharkhand: Governor C P Radhakrishnan

RANCHI: Jharkhand Governor C P Radhakrishnan has spoken in favour of making the film ‘Article 370' tax-free in the state.

"I feel such a patriotic movie should be given tax exemption. It is up to the government," he said, after watching the movie at a multiplex in Ranchi.

‘Article 370', which released nationwide on February 23, focuses on the government's fight against terrorism in Kashmir, among other issues.

The Narendra Modi-led central government had on August 5, 2019 abrogated Article 370, ending the special status given to Jammu and Kashmir, and bifurcated it into two Union territories Jammu and Kashmir and Ladakh.

"Now, peace and development are returning to Kashmir, tourism is expanding and the economy has started growing," Radhakrishnan said on Wednesday.


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