First Mid-night Marathon held

Aug 28, 2023
JAMMU: Safe Drive, Safe Life (SDSL) Midnight Marathon 2023, the first ever midnight marathon was jointly organized by Real Sports India and JK Randonneurs at Jammu.
There were four categories of run- 42KM, 21KM, 10KM and 5KM through a very grueling challenge of route within the city covering Tawi Bridge and one over bridge.
There were 298 people from various parts of Jammu and Kashmir, Punjab, Haryana, Delhi, Uttar Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh and West Bengal who participated in cutting across the society and from eight years old kid to 83 years old man
The organizers said Colonel Anuj Bindra who lost his one leg in war had specially come from Ludhiana to support the run and cause.
Commanding Officer Colonel Rahul Agarwal of 157 Battalion (TA) (H&H) SIKH has also ran 10 km in the run with other fellows of different defence units.
Prof Dr G.S. Rakwal, Principal MAM College was chief guest on the occasion. 50+ plus NCC and NSS Volunteers from the college volunteered their services to make the event a great success.
Prof Vishal Sharma, Prof Neeraj Sharma and Prof Shiv Kumar also accompanied the students.
The main aim of the event was to promote Safe Drive, Save Life and Women Safety in Jammu.