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One Week One Lab Campaign of CSIR-IIIM concludes

UDHAMPUR: The One Week One Lab (OWOL) Campaign of CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine, Jammu concluded with Startup Conclave at Udhampur as its day 7 event.

CSIR-IIIM has launched its One Week One Lab Campaign on 4th June with Lavender Festival which was inaugurated by Dr. Jitendra Singh, Union Minister of State (I/C) for Science and Technology, Minister of State in the PMO, Ministry of Personnel, Pensions, Public Grievances & DoAE, Department of Space and Vice President, CSIR.

While briefing the media persons here about the series of events conducted during past one week as part of One Week One Lab Campaign, Dr. Zabeer Ahmed, Director CSIR-IIIM said that the idea of OWOL was given by Dr. Jitendra Singh and emphasised that each CSIR Lab should conduct the theme based One Week One Lab Campaign to demonstrate the technologies and innovations the labs are having.

Under the patronage of Director General, CSIR, Dr. N Kalaiselvi, IIIM, Jammu has moduled its One Week One Lab Campaign, as per the major domain areas of the institute and various societal mission programmes CSIR-IIIM is having a leading role.

Dr Zabeer Ahmed, Director CSIR-IIIM, then proceeded to give detail of day wise activities organised by CSIR-IIIM under OWOL program and highlighted that various activities were held at six different locations i.e. Jammu, Chatha, Bhaderwah, Udhampur, Srinagar and Leh. To start with, on 4th June i.e. the first of OWOL, the Lavender Festival was organised in Bhaderwah, which was inaugurated by Dr Jitendra Singh, in Bhaderwah.

The farmers, startups, entrepreneurs, industrialists and academicians attended this event. The lavender festival has become an annual event of the institute to celebrate the success the institute gained in lavender cultivation.

On the second day, the student-scientist interactions and live experiment demonstrations were held at CSIR-IIIM (Br.) Srinagar.

One-day symposium on Drug Discovery at IIIM, Jammu was organised in which more than 300 students & scholars from various research and academic institutions from Jammu region participated.

This was followed by a hands-on workshop on high end research organised on the day 4.

The fifth day activity under OWOL was young researchers' meet and an awareness program for farmers, held parallelly at IIIM, Jammu, and Chatha Farm, respectively.

In the young researchers meet, about 200 Ph.D. Scholars from different institutions attended the meet and 250 farmers from Kathua, Samba, Jammu, Rajouri and Poonch were present.

The 6th Day of OWOL Campaign of CSIR-IIIM, Jammu was marked with the organisation of awareness cum training program for farmers in Leh.

It was further informed that the Startup Conclave, Udhampur was the last and 7th day event of OWOL Campaign of CSIR-IIIM, Jammu, organised in District Police Lines, Udhampur, which was inaugurated yesterday by Dr. Jitendra Singh, attracted huge crowd of students drawn from various degree colleges and schools of Udhampur district, entrepreneurs, investors, industry leaders, scientists, researchers, bio-incubators, manufacturers, regulators and members of civil society on the second day today.

An overwhelming response of visitors has been seen today as well as more than 800 visitors visited the exhibition and witnessed the demonstration of innovations driven ideas some startups and the products and technologies developed by few of them.

In this Young Startup Conclave, which was mainly focused to inspire the youths and provide them a nice platform to showcase their innovations, total of 54 StartUps participated from across the UT of Jammu and Kashmir.

Some of the prominent StartUps those took part in the Conclave were- Himalayan Essential Oils Producer Company Ltd., JK Aroma Ltd, Pahadi Amrit, Vilupt, Samast Eco Alternatives Pvt. Ltd. Velanutrition Nutraceuticals Pvt. Ltd., Calm the chaos, Srnas Opc Pvt Ltd., Pi Jam Ltd, JP Life Science, Kashmel Agro, Greenson Himalayan Buckwheat Rugosa, Chenab Valley Zaitoon Tel Ltd. Herbal Aura, Gauri Cure, Kashtantak Ltd, Meera Global Ltd, Samast Eco-Alternatives & Alpha Environment Machinery Ltd.

The stalls were also put by various Self Help Groups from Udhampur, Jammu & Reasi districts.

Earlier in the day, an interactive session on startup ecosystem was conducted by CSIR-IIIM-Technology Business Incubator and subsequently TBI associated startups shared their entrepreneurial journey in presence of 400 students and other participants.

At valedictory of Startup Conclave, Udhampur, Ghan Shyam Singh, JKAS, Additional DDC, Udhampur was the chief guest and Dr. Zabeer Ahmed, Director, CSIR-IIIM, Jammu presided over the closing ceremony and felicitated the startups.

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