LS Polls: Anantnag-Rajouri PC records 51.88 percent voter turnout till 5 pm
Jammu Links News5/25/2024

SRINAGAR: The Anantnag-Rajouri Parliamentary Constituency has recorded 51.88 per cent voter turnout in all its polling stations up to 5:00 pm, communicated the office of Chief Election Officer, J&K.

He said that till 5 pm, 51.88 percent polling has been recorded in all polling stations of the Parliamentary Constituency amid elaborate arrangements in place for the voters and the election staff.

The CEO J&K added the voters, braving the extreme hot weather, are queuing up enthusiastically to exercise their franchise while understanding the power of voting in transforming their lives.

Giving segment-wise details the CEO J&K said that the voter turnout recorded in Anantnag-Rajouri PC is as under: Anantnag - 31.21 %, Anantnag west - 34.65 %, Budhal (ST) - 64.91 %, DH Pora - 55.00 %, Devsar - 41.50 %, Dooru - 45.21 %, Kokernag (ST) - 50.00 %, Kulgam - 31.99 %, Mendhar - 64.69 %, Nowshera - 65.47 %, Pahalgam - 55.63 %, Poonch Haveli - 64.19 %, Rajouri (ST) - 66.09 %, Shangus - Anantnag East - 41.94 %, Srigufawara - Bijbehara - 42.40 %, Surankot (ST) - 62.65 %, Thanna Mandi (ST) - 65.34 %, & Zainapora - 39.40 %.



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