Informaton Department Kashmir condoles demise of Bashir Ahmad, Ex. FPA
Jammu Links News5/24/2024

SRINAGAR: The employees of Information department Kashmir have expressed deep grief and sorrow over the demise of Bashir Ahmad, Ex. Field Publicity Assistant (FPA) of the Field Publicity Unit of the department, who breathed his last on Thursday.

In this connection, a condolence meeting was held at the Divisional office Kothi Bagh Srinagar, which was chaired by Joint Director Information, Kashmir, M Aslam.

During the meeting, the Joint Director offered his deepest condolences to the bereaved family and prayed for peace to the departed soul besides courage for the bereaved family to bear this loss.

Meanwhile, the Deputy Director (PR) Kashmir, who is also holding the additional charge of Field Publicity Officer Kashmir, Ahsan Ul Haq Chishti; Cultural Officer, Burhan Hussain holding additional charge of District Information Officer Anantnag and other officers have also extended sympathies to the bereaved family and prayed for peace to the departed soul.

Meanwhile, the employees, while expressing their grief and sorrow over the demise, called him an honest and kindhearted colleague.

They offered their deepest condolences to the bereaved family and prayed for eternal peace to the departed soul and patience for the bereaved family to bear this irreparable loss.

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