Heat wave to continue for next 5 days in Jammu and Kashmir

SRINAGAR: Weatherman on Friday urged people, especially vulnerable sections, to avoid exposure to heat and drink a lot of fluids, saying that the heat wave will continue for next five days in Jammu and Kashmir.

"Heat wave over plains of Jammu & Kashmir Divisions is likely to continue during next 5 days," a meteorological department official said.

He said hot and dry weather was also likely over hilly districts during these five days.

"Avoid heat exposure & drink a lot of fluid and water especially vulnerable people (Elderly people, infants and children)."

He said generally dry weather was likely from May 24-28 even as the possibility of thundershower activity at isolated places can't be ruled out.

From May 29-31, he said, partly to generally cloudy weather with light rain/thunder at isolated places towards afternoon. "Overall, no significant weather activity is expected May 31."

Meanwhile, night temperature also continued to witness the increasing trend with Srinagar recording a low of 15.4°C against 15.0°C on the previous night and it was 3.7°C above normal for the summer capital of J&K for this time of the year.

Qazigund recorded a minimum of 12.0°C against 11.8°C on the previous night and it was 1.7°C above normal for the gateway town of Kashmir, he said.

Pahalgam recorded a low of 8.5°C against 7.7°C on the previous night and it was 2.3°C normal for the famous resort in south Kashmir.

Kokernag, also in south Kashmir, recorded a minimum of 13.0°C against 12.3°C and it was 2.9°C above normal, the official said.

Kupwara town recorded a minimum of 12.0°C against 11.5°C on the previous night and it was above normal by 1.6°C for the place, the official said.

Gulmarg recorded a minimum of 11.8°C against 11.0°C on the previous night and it was above normal by 5.0°C for the world famous skiing resort in north Kashmir's Baramulla district.

Jammu, he said, recorded a low of 27.6°C against 29.1°C on the previous night and it was above normal by 3.2°C for the winter capital of J&K. Banihal recorded a low of 12.6°C, Batote 15.3°C and Bhaderwah 13.0°C, he said.


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