Salman Khan house firing case: Accused attempts suicide in crime branch lock-up, dies at hospital

MUMBAI: An accused arrested in connection with firing at the residence of Bollywood actor Salman Khan attempted suicide in the lock-up of Mumbai Police's crime branch on Wednesday and died in a hospital where he was rushed to, an official said.

The deceased Anuj Thapan, 23, hanged himself inside the toilet of the lock-up using a bedsheet. He was rushed to the state-run GT Hospital, where he was declared dead during treatment, the official said.

An accidental death report will be registered at Azad Maidan police station in south Mumbai.

Thapan was arrested from Punjab along with Sonu Kumar Bishnoi for allegedly supplying weapons to shooters Sagar Pal and Vicky Gupta, who were already arrested, according to police.


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