Two dead, 2 injured as vehicle falls in gorge in Reasi
Jammu Links News2/27/2024

REASI: Two persons were killed and as many others were injured when a vehicle they were travelling in fell into a gorge in Reasi district of Jammu and Kashmir on Tuesday.

A police official said that a van (JK20A- 8411) was travelling from Reasi to Thub when it skidded off the road and plunged into a deep gorge near Thub village.

The accident, they said, took place at around 1800 hours and two persons namely Rashpal Singh son of Munshi Ram and Ganesh Singh son of Baldev Singh, both residents of Thub died on the spot and two others persons namely Raj Singh son Baldev Singh and Sanjay son of Munshi Ram were injured who were shifted to District Hospital Reasi for treatment in this regards.

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