Lok Sabha Elections-2024: DC Bandipora reviews election preparedness of ARO Sumbal
Jammu Links News2/24/2024
Inspects Election Strong Room

BANDIPORA: The Deputy Commissioner/ District Election Officer (DC/DEO) Bandipora, Shakeel Ur Rehman today reviewed the preparedness of Assistant Returning Officer (ARO) Sumbal for the upcoming Lok Sabha Elections -2024 during a visit to Sumbal subdivision.

SDM Sumbal, Amir Choudhary, who is also ARO Sumbal, apprised the DC regarding various preparatory measures put in place for the smooth conduct of upcoming elections.

During the visit, the DC conducted a thorough assessment of the administrative and logistical arrangements in place to facilitate free and fair elections.

He examined various aspects of election preparedness, including voter registration, polling station setup, and security measures to ensure that all necessary measures are in place for the upcoming polls.

The DC also conducted a thorough inspection of the Election Strong Room, which is an important part of the integrity of the electoral process.

He meticulously reviewed every aspect of the strong room's security infrastructure and other facilities in place.

Tehsildar Sumbal, BDO Sumbal and other officials were also present during the visit and inspection of Election Strong Room.

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