Punjab AGTF arrests 3 associates of foreign-based terrorists Lakhbir Singh Landa, Harvinder Rinda

PUNJAB: The Anti-Gangster Task Force (AGTF) of the Punjab Police has arrested three associates of foreign-based terrorists Lakhbir Singh Landa and Harvinder Rinda.

The arrested persons, identified as Jobanjit Singh alias Joban, Bikramjit Singh alias Bikka and Kulwinder Singh alias Kala, were carrying out criminal activities on the directions of their foreign handlers, police said.

Taking to social media platform, X, the Punjab Director General of Police, Gaurav Yadav, said, "In a major breakthrough, #AGTF Punjab has arrested 3 associates (Jobanjit Singh @ Joban, Bikramjit Singh @ Bikka & Kulwinder Singh @ Kala) of terrorists #Canada-based Lakbir Landa & #Pak-based Harwinder Rinda."

"Joban is wanted in UAPA , Arms Act, NDPS Act and IT Act offences and remained absconding for long The accused Joban & Bikka are also wanted in more than one 307 IPC cases Recovery: 2 pistols & 10 live cartridges. Preliminary investigation has revealed that the accused were carrying out criminal activities on the directions of their foreign handlers," the state top cop wrote on X.


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