BSF recovers four packets of narcotic substance from farmhouse in Fazilka

PUNJAB: The BSF recovered four packets of a narcotic substance suspected to be heroin from a farmhouse in Fazilka district on Tuesday.

"On December 26, morning, based on specific information from the BSF, regarding the presence of a black bag in the Dhuriya farmhouse on the outskirts of Jodhawala village, Fazilka district, an operation was planned," the BSF said in a press release.

BSF recovered four packets of narcotic substances suspected to have been dropped using a drone.

"The BSF party recovered four packets suspected to be heroin having a gross weight of 2.090 kg from the black colour bag, attached with illuminated strips, which indicate that these packets might be dropped using a drone," the BSF further said.

The BSF foiled yet another attempt to smuggle narcotics.


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