BSF intercepts drone, recovers contraband in Punjab's Fazilka

PUNJAB: The BSF troops on Thursday night intercepted a suspected drone near Pakka Chisti village in Fazilka district of Punjab and recovered contraband suspected to be heroin from a farming field.

"On December 21, 2023, during night hours, vigilant BSF troops intercepted a suspected drone near Pakka Chisti village in Fazilka district. As per the laid down drill, BSF troops immediately reacted to intercept the drone," the BSF said in a press release.

The BSF troops recovered a packet of contraband from a farming field at 9.33 pm on Thursday night.

"Further during the initial search in the depth area, at about 09:33 pm, BSF troops recovered 1 packet of contraband item suspected to be Heroin with a gross weight of approximately 530 grams wrapped with yellow adhesive tape and a ring attached to it from the farming field near Pakka Chisti village," the BSF further said.

Yet another attempt at smuggling narcotics through a drone was foiled by the BSF.


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