PM Narendra Modi inaugurates Global Investors Summit in Dehradun

DEHRADUN: Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Friday inaugurated the Uttarakhand Global Investors Summit 2023 at the Forest Research Institute here. The two-day summit aims to promote the hill state as a major investment destination.

He also launched the House of Himalayas brand to promote local products and increase the income of self-help groups.

Preparations for the summit have been going on for months. It is being attended by more than a thousand investors and delegates from across the country and abroad.

The target of the summit was to sign MoUs worth Rs 2.5 lakh crore, but it has already exceeded that limit to reach around Rs 3 lakh crore in the run-up to the event, which saw various roadshows being held by Dhami in India's metro cities as well as London, Birmingham in the UK, Dubai and Abu Dhabi.


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