Lok Sabha adjourned till 12 noon amid uproar over listing of ethics panel report on Mahua Moitra

NEW DELHI: Lok Sabha was adjourned till 12 noon as opposition MPs created an uproar over the listing of the ethics panel report on Trinamool Congress MP Mahua Moitra.

As soon as Speaker Om Birla started the Question Hour, Congress Leader Adhir Ranjan Chowdhury mentioned the report recommending the expulsion of Moitra in a "cash-for-query" case.

Speaker Birla said the matter is listed, and he will give time to the MPs to speak when the business is taken up. "The matter has not been taken up yet... Question Hour is your time, you can ask questions," he said.

"This is not as per the rules of procedure. It is there in the list of business, when it is taken up I will provide you enough time to speak," Birla said.

As the din continued, the speaker adjourned the House till 12 noon.


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