Congress chief slams govt over rising crimes against Dalits, tribals

NEW DELHI: Congress president Mallikarjun Kharge on Friday targeted the Modi government over the rising crimes against Dalits and tribals in the country, and alleged it is part of the BJP's agenda of dividing society.

''The latest report of National Crime Records Bureau (NCRB) is not merely statistics, it is the BJP's record of making the life of SC-ST community unsafe,'' he charged in a post in Hindi on X.

''Injustice, atrocities and repression are part of the conspiratorial agenda of the BJP of dividing the society in the last decade,'' he alleged.

The continuous oppression of Dalits and tribals exposes the hypocrisy of the BJP-RSS, the Congress chief charged.

Kharge also shared a post that claimed that there has been a 46.11 percent increase in crimes against Dalits since 2013 and 48.15 per cent against tribals.


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