VBSY Van reaches remote panchayats of Khour, spreads PM's vision of Viksit Bharat
Jammu Links News12/7/2023

JAMMU: The Viksit Bharat Sankalp Yatra reached the remote panchayats of Mattoo and Pangali of Block Khour today.

The van was welcomed by a large gathering of people, including the DDC Vice Chairperson Suraj Singh, former MLA Krishan Lal Sharma, BDO Dheeraj Sharma, PRI members, officials of various departments and local residents.

The van displayed a video message of the PM, in which he appealed to the people to take a pledge to work for the progress and prosperity of the country. The people present at the event took the Sankalp, pledge, and expressed their commitment to the cause.

The event also witnessed the cultural performances by the students of GHS Dhatyal and GGMS Pangali, who showcased their talent and enthusiasm through songs, dances and skits. The audience appreciated the efforts of the young artists and encouraged them with applause.

The representatives of the line departments also set up their stalls and explained the various schemes and programmes run by the government for the public welfare. They also distributed pamphlets and brochures to the people and answered their queries.

The event also provided an opportunity for the public to avail free health care services under the Pradhan Mantri Jan Arogya Yojana. Certificates to Progressive Farmers were also distributed to recognize their contribution to the agriculture sector. Sanction letters of old age and widow pensions were also handed over to the deserving applicants on the spot.

The VBSY Van is an initiative of the Ministry of Information and Broadcasting to reach out to the people in the rural and remote areas and make them aware of the PM's vision of Viksit Bharat.

The van will cover all the blocks and panchayats of the district in the coming days.

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