Drug de-addiction Awareness programme held at Handwara
Jammu Links News12/7/2023

KUPWARA: On the directions of Deputy Commissioner, Kupwara and in collaboration with Police, Health and Civil Administration, an awareness programme on Drug de-addiction was today held at Environment Hall Handwara.

The awareness program was organized with an aim to spread awareness amongst the community to take necessary steps to curb the drug menace.

Tehsildar Handwara, Shahbaz Ahmad Akhoon; BDO Handwara, SDPO Handwara, BMO Handwara, Nodal Officer, Naib Tehsildars, GQ's and Patwaries, Advocate Waseem Ramzan and other officers and officials attended the programme. Besides students, prominent citizens, PRIs, Social Activists and others also participated in the programme.

Speaking on the occasion, Tehsildar Handwara said that the proactive role of youth and students against the drug menace can be a game changer and this is also the need of hour at this critical time when the menace of drugs has victimized the society.

He asked the youth present in the programme not to indulge in drug abuse and other social evils and instead be role models in the field of education, sports and other activities.

Highlighting the ill effects of drugs, the Tehsildar said that the young generation is the most-affected section of drug addiction that needs to be eradicated completely from the society and sought cooperation of all stakeholders in this regard.

On the occasion, BDO Handwara, SDPO Handwara, BMO Handwara, Nodal Officer, Naib Tehsildars GQ's and Patwaris, Advocate Waseem Ramzan , also deliberated on the ill-effects of drug abuse and highlighted the need of taking preventive measures to eradicate the menace of drug addiction and other social evils in the district.

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