Police inspector injured in Oct 29 terrorist attack in Srinagar succumbs
Jammu Links News12/7/2023

SRINAGAR: A Jammu and Kashmir Police inspector who was shot and critically injured in a terrorist attack in Srinagar in October this year passed away at AIIMS in New Delhi on Thursday, sources said.

Masroor Ahmad Wani was moved to AIIMS yesterday for specialized treatment, however, he succumbed at the facility today.

Wani, as per police, was shot with a pistol from point blank range when he was playing cricket in Eidgah locality of downtown Srinagar on October 29.

The inspector was critically injured in the shooting following which he was rushed to SKIMS in Soura.

However, Wani was shifted from Paras Hospital Srinagar to New Delhi in an Air Ambulance on Wednesday afternoon.

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