Zilla Sainik Welfare Board Srinagar celebrates Armed Forces Flag day
Jammu Links News12/7/2023
President Sainik Board (DC Srinagar) interacts with war veterans, highlights role of armed forces in safeguarding the country

SRINAGAR: In connection with the celebrations of Armed Forces Flag Day, a Programme was today held at Zilla Sainik Bhawan, Srinagar to honour the war martyrs and men in uniform who fought to safeguard the country's integrity and sovereignty.

Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar, Mohammad Aijaz Asad, who is also President Zilla Sainik Board, Srinagar was the Chief Guest on the occasion.

Speaking on the occasion, the Deputy Commissioner highlighted the role of Sainiks and called them guardians of the Nation who protect its citizens. He said Flag Day brings to the forefront our commitment of looking after our veer naris, disabled soldiers and families of martyrs.

The DC also said that work on construction of Hostel for wards of armed forces (ex-servicemen)/martyrs is nearing completion. He said the hostel will have all necessary facilities that would be utilized by the family members of the martyrs.

During the interaction with the veterans, the DC Srinagar assured all support from the civil administration towards welfare of Ex-Servicemen and their families.

Later, the DC felicitated the Veer Naries and families of martyrs.

Meanwhile, Ex-Servicemen community thanked Deputy Commissioner, Srinagar for the initiatives taken by District Administration Srinagar for the welfare of ex-servicemen community.

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