Two houses in Pulwama attached under anti-terror law

PULWAMA: The National Investigation Agency (NIA) on Thursday attached two properties in Jammu and Kashmir's Pulwama district as part of a probe into a terror-related case, officials said here.

The NIA sleuths installed boards and pasted notices of attachment of the two properties at Chursoo in Awantipora area of the district, they said.

"This is to inform general public that a double storey one residential house and one-single storey residential house under survey Nos 722,723 & 724 at village Chursoo, Awantipora, District Pulwama which are owned jointly by Khursheed Ahmed Bhat @ Khursheed Alam Bhat @ Surya S/o Ghulam Mohd Bhat Rio Bhatpora, Chursoo, Awantipora District Pulwama and his five brothers stands attached under 1` the provisions of UA(P)A by the order of Hon'ble MA 4 Special Court," the attachment notice read.

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