Earthquake of magnitude 3.5 strikes Guwahati

GUWAHATI: An earthquake of magnitude 3.5 on the Richter Scale hit Assam's Guwahati on Thursday morning, according to the National Center for Seismology.

According to the data shared by the NCS, the tremors were felt in the region at 5.42 am on Thursday.

The epicentre was deemed at a latitude of 26.63 and a longitude of 92.08, the NCS informed, adding that the tremors struck at a depth of 5 km.

"Earthquake of Magnitude:3.5, Occurred on 07-12-2023, 05:42:58 IST, Lat: 26.63 & Long: 92.08, Depth: 5 Km, Location: 63km NNE of Guwahati, Assam, India," read a post on the official X handle of the NCS,

Further details are awaited


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