DEO Udhampur reviews Assured Minimum Facilities in Polling Stations
Jammu Links News12/6/2023

UDHAMPUR: To implement the guidelines of the Election Commission of India (ECI), District Election Officer Udhampur Saloni Rai today chaired a meeting of concerned officers here in Mini Conference Hall of DC Office Complex.

The deliberations focused on the assessment of the implementation and status of Assured Minimum Facilities in polling stations in the District.

The DEO sought information from the stakeholder departments and asked to equip all polling stations with essential facilities such as drinking water, toilets, electricity connections and ramps in conformity with the ECI norms.

The DEO urged officers to guarantee the presence of specified facilities at each polling station, aligning with ECI standards. She set December 15, 2023 as the deadline to put these facilities in place at the polling stations lacking the same.

The meeting was attended by Deputy District Election Officer Gurdev Kumar, Divisional Forest Officer Rushal Garg, Chief Education Officer and Executive Engineers from PDD, PHE and other concerned.

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