Traffic Police lodges FIR against driver for overloading

JAMMU: In a bid to overcome overloading in passenger vehicles and ensure safety of passengers, Traffic Police City Jammu has launched punitive legal action and registered FIR against the drivers, who facilitate overloading and put the life of passengers in danger.

During such exercise, on the basis of complaint, driver of vehicle bearing No. JK02BJ-9776 was found carrying excess passengers outside the body of the vehicle thereby endangering the lives of the passengers as well as the commuters.

Case FIR No.505/2023 U/s 279/336 IPC P/S Nagrota was registered against the delinquent driver for overloading and negligence and the vehicle was seized.

SSP Traffic City Jammu Fiesel Qureshi has appealed the general public that they should not board in the overloaded passenger vehicles and inform the concerned Traffic Authority if any passenger vehicle is found indulging in overloading.

The general public is also advised to strictly follow traffic rules and be a part of smooth traffic regulation for their own safety.

Further, it is reiterated that violators shall be dealt strictly in case of non-adherence to the traffic rules.



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