Director Agriculture visits Pampore, holds interaction with Vegetable Growers
Jammu Links News12/4/2023

SRINAGAR: The Director Agriculture Kashmir, Chowdhury Mohammad Iqbal today visited Pampore and adjacent areas and took stock of the agriculture activities there.

He also visited the semi-hi tech poly houses of a specially-abled Vegetable Grower.

Speaking to the farmers, the Director highlighted the initiatives by the department for the development of small and marginal farmers. He said that under HADP a project is being implemented for the promotion of vertical expansion of vegetable cultivation.

The Director impressed upon the officers to cover the target areas under the HADP project (promotion of vegetable and exotic vegetables) so that the benefits could reach the farmers.

He asked them to guide the farmers during all the pre and post harvesting activities.

Director Agriculture was accompanied by the District Agriculture Officer Pulwama and other Officers.

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