Scores of political social activists join Congress in Kathua

KATHUA: Scores of political and social activists on Saturday joined the Congress in the Kathua district of Jammu and Kashmir, the party said.

Pradesh Congress Committee president Vikar Rasool Wani and other senior party leaders welcomed the new entrants led by AAP leaders Robin Sharma and Vindu Bala and BJP worker Vinay Sharma into the party fold, it said.

Wani said after the "successful" conduct of the "Bharat Jodo Yatra" led by Rahul Gandhi, a large number of workers from other parties and people are joining the party all over the country, including Jammu and Kashmir.

"Already Congress has won Karnataka and Himachal Pradesh after the yatra...Again the Congress party will emerge victorious and stronger in five states (Telangana, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Mizoram, and Chhattisgarh) which went to the polls recently," he said.

The Congress leader cautioned the party workers and people against the alleged "divisive tactics" of the BJP-RSS and said "people now realise the political tactics of the ruling party and shall not fall in the trap of the BJP which has not delivered on any single promise made to common people and unemployed youths."

He asked them to reach out to the people in their respective areas and expose BJP's "falsehood and failures".

"People are not happy with their policies and the government has proved to be a failure. We have taken to the streets against the governance deficit, lack of development and failure of the government to deliver on the promises made to the people of Jammu and Kashmir," Wani said.

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