Manipur's oldest militant group UNLF signs peace pact with govt, Amit Shah says 'historic milestone'

NEW DELHI: The United National Liberation Front (UNLF), an extremist group operating in Manipur, on Wednesday signed a peace agreement with the government and agreed to renounce violence, Union Home Minister Amit Shah announced here.

"A historic milestone achieved!!! Modi govt's relentless efforts to establish permanent peace in the Northeast have added a new chapter of fulfilment as the United National Liberation Front signed a peace agreement today in New Delhi," Amit Shah said.

"UNLF, the oldest valley-based armed group of Manipur, has agreed to renounce violence and join the mainstream. I welcome them to the democratic processes and wish them all the best in their journey on the path of peace and progress," Shah said in a post on X.

The peace agreement with the UNLF by the government of India and the government of Manipur marks the end of a six-decade-long armed movement, Shah said.

"It is a landmark achievement in realising PM @narendramodi Ji's vision of all-inclusive development and providing a better future to the youths in Northeast India,' He said.

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