SSP Samba visits Mansar; holds darbar with cops, listens people’s problems
Jammu Links News11/29/2023

SAMBA: Senior Superintendent of Police (SSP) Samba, Benam Tosh, accompanied by Additional SP Samba, Surinder Choudhary, Dy SP Hqrs, Samba, Bhishm Dubey and SHO Police Station Samba, Daljit Singh, visited Mansar, held darbar with police officials and also presided over police-public meet.

SSP Samba after conducting casual inspection of Crime Police Post, Mansar, listened to and redressed the grievances of officials. He briefed the cops and directed them to exhibit honesty, integrity and credibility while serving the people.

Thereafter, SSP presided over an impressive police - public meet at holy Mansar lake in which a large number of people were present. People expressed great satisfaction with the working of police in Mansar.

However, among the other demands highlighted by the local public during police-public meeting included, renovation of track around the holy lake wherever partially damaged over the period, drinking water and washrooms facility along the track.

Speaking on the occasion, SSP Samba Benam Tosh complimented the prominent people for sparing their valuable time and taking part in important police-public meet.

He assured the people that police would work hard with exemplary honest approach to come up to the expectations of people and would eradicate crime and drug menace from the society.



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