Lakhs of devotees take dip in Ganga in Haridwar on Kartik Purnima

HARIDWAR: Lakhs of devotees took a dip in the Ganga here on Monday on the occasion of Kartik Purnima, officials said.

Kartik Purnima, which is also celebrated as Dev Deepavali, is the last day of the holy Hindu month of Kartik.

It is believed that bathing in the Ganga on this day brings divine blessings, health, happiness and prosperity, astrologer Prateek Mishrapuri said.

"Taking a bath in the Ganga at the Har Ki Pairi on Kartik Purnima is considered as sacred as bathing in the holy river during Kumbh," he said.

About 18 lakh devotees from all over the country took a dip in the holy river at Har ki Pairi and other ghats, an official in the district administration said.

In view of the rush of pilgrims, routes were diverted at many places and all the ghats were under CCTV surveillance, District Magistrate Dheeraj Singh Garbyal said.

The devotees had begun gathering at the ghats since early morning, he said.

The police and administration made special security arrangements keeping in view the possibility of a large number of devotees coming here for bathing.

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