INDIA alliance will be wiped out in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan: PM Modi

HYDERABAD: The INDIA alliance will be wiped out in Chhattisgarh, Madhya Pradesh and Rajasthan where Legislative Assembly polls were completed, Prime Minister Narendra Modi said on Sunday.

Addressing an election rally at Toopran in Telangana, he recalled his poll campaign in the three states where polling was over.

"I have seen in the three states that "Indi alliance" (INDIA alliance) will be wiped out. The women, farmers there are going to uproot the Congress party," he said.

In a sharp attack on BRS president and CM K Chandrasekhar Rao, he asked whether Telangana needs a CM who does not meet people.

The Congress or the BRS, their identity is corruption, parivarvad and poor law and order and they are carbon copies of each other, he alleged.

"Congress, KCR ek saman, dono se raho savadhan (Cong, KCR are like one, be alert with both," he said.

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