Cattle-lifting gang kingpin arrested in Samba district
Jammu Links News11/20/2023

SAMBA: The Samba police achieved a major success by arresting the kingpin of the gang of cattle lifers, effecting recovery of stolen cattle and seizing vehicle used for cattle thefts.

A case under Sections 457 (Lurking house-trespass or house-breaking by night in order to commit offence) and 380 (Theft in house) of the Indian Penal Code (IPC) has been registered at Purmandal police station and investigation is underway.

The arrested kingpin has been identified as Hamid Din, a resident of Kheri in Bishnah of Jammu district.

"The hardcore accused was arrested by the police team comprising Purmandal SHO Vijay Verma under the supervision of Bari Brahmana SDPO Rahul Nagar and Samba Additional SP Surinder Choudhary," said an official spokesperson.

Samba SSP Benam Tosh urged the general public to keep domestic animals at safe and secure places so as to avoid any cruelty with the animals at the hands of cattle lifters and bovine smugglers.



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