Man posing as Army officer attempts to rape schoolgirl in Samba, held

SAMBA: A man has been arrested for allegedly posing as an Army officer and attempting to rape a class 12 student in Jammu and Kashmir's Samba district, officials said.

The accused has been identified as Sham Lal from the Ramgarh area in the district, they said.

According to a complaint filed by the girl, Lal posed as an Army Colonel and brought the girl and her brother, a class 10 student, of Udhampur district to Vijaypur by giving them false assurance of getting them enrolled in NCC and subsequently getting them recruited in belt force, they said.

He also checked their running stamina along Vijaypur-Ramgarh road and at midnight, attempted to commit rape on the girl who approached police for help, they said.

An FIR was registered and police immediately swung into action and arrested the accused, they said, adding that further investigation is underway.


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