PM Narendra Modi to inaugurate International Lawyers’ Conference today

NEW DELHI: Prime Minister Narendra Modi will inaugurate the ‘International Lawyers' Conference 2023 in New Delhi's Vigyan Bhawan on Saturday.

The Prime Minister will also address the gathering on the occasion.

According to an official statement, the International Lawyer's Conference 2023 is being organised by the Bar Council of India on the theme ‘Emerging Challenges in Justice Delivery System' on September 23 and 24.

The conference aims to serve as a platform for meaningful dialogue and discussion on various legal topics of national and international importance, foster the exchange of ideas and experiences, and strengthen international cooperation and understanding of legal issues.

The conference, which is being organised for the first time in the country, will discuss topics such as emerging legal trends, challenges in cross-border litigation, legal technology, environmental law etc.

The programme will witness the participation of distinguished judges, legal professionals, and leaders of the global legal fraternity.


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