Ladakh border residents demand development of tourist destinations, internet connectivity

LEH: Border residents of Ladakh have demanded development of tourist destinations, internet connectivity and allocation of land for the construction of rest houses to support their livelihood.

The demands were made during a recent visit of Atal Dulloo, the secretary of border management in the Union home ministry, to Chushul, Maan, Merak, Urgo, and Tangtse villages in the Pangong area.

Dulloo visited these villages to assess the progress of Vibrant Villages Programme, a centrally sponsored scheme, an official spokesman said on Monday.

The programme, launched on February 15 this year, is aimed at comprehensive development of select villages in 46 blocks in 19 districts in the northern border in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Himachal Pradesh, Sikkim, Uttarakhand and the UT of Ladakh.

Accompanied by Additional Director General of ITBP Manoj Singh Rawat and senior security and civil administration officials from Ladakh, Dulloo over the weekend engaged in discussions with members of panchayati raj institutions and local residents, the spokesman said.

He said the public highlighted several pressing demands, including the installation of mobile towers to address absence of internet facilities, development of tourist destinations and land allocation for the construction of rest houses to support their livelihood, as there are limited avenues for earning a living in the region.

Additionally, requests for a dedicated block for Chushul, solar-powered housing, hand pumps, and guesthouses were put forth, the spokesman said, adding the locals also emphasized the need for the area to be declared an international border, enabling their children to access employment opportunities in border-related sectors.

Dulloo assured the people that their demands would be taken up with the relevant authorities for resolution, reiterating the government's commitment to address the needs and aspirations of the people living in these border areas.


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