PM hails inauguration of projects in Baramulla
Jammu Links News6/2/2023

JAMMU: Prime Minister Narendra Modi has expressed happiness over inauguration of several key infrastructure projects including seven Custom Hiring Centres for farmers and nine Poly Green Houses for Self Help Groups (SHGs) in Baramulla district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Sharing tweet threads of Office of Lieutenant Governor of J&K, the Prime Minister tweeted: "The remarkable range of developmental works inaugurated stand as a testament to our commitment towards enhancing the quality of life for the people of Jammu and Kashmir, especially the aspirational districts."

Tweet by Office of LG J&K which was tagged by Prime Minister Narendra Modi read: "Inaugurated several key infrastructure project, 7 Custom Hiring Centre for farmers, 9 Poly Green Houses for SHGs in Baramulla district. This aspirational district has transformed itself into a centre of economic important in the last few years".

Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha had inaugurated the projects in Baramulla on May 30.



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