BSF recovers suspected packet of heroin from Punjab's Amritsar

AMRITSAR: Border Security Forces (BSF) seized a suspected packet of Heroin and shot down a drone, in two separate incidents, along the India-Pakistan border in Amritsar, BSF Punjab Frontier said on Early Sunday.

"In a second narcotics recovery in a night, another pack of suspected heroin (2.2kg appx) dropped by Pakistani drone, has been recovered in Amritsar Sector. This seizure occurred at a separate location from the previous drone incident," tweeted BSF Punjab Frontier.

In another incident, BSF shot down a Pakistani drone for violating Indian airspace on Saturday late at night.

Another Pakistani drone was made to taste mud by the BSF. Indian Airspace violation by Pakistani drone has been intercepted (with fire) by Alert BSF troops in Amritsar Sector. The drone has been recovered. Details follow," tweeted BSF Punjab Frontier.



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