SGPC condemns Cong worker’s act of wearing t-shirt with Jagdish Tytler’s pic at Golden Temple

AMRITSAR: The SGPC on Wednesday strongly condemned the act of a Congress worker who visited the Golden Temple allegedly wearing a t-shirt with a photo of his party leader Jagdish Tytler, for getting his photograph clicked inside the premises.

Shiromani Gurdwara Parbandhak Committee (SGPC) president Harjinder Singh Dhami said a police complaint will be lodged against Karamjit Singh, who made his photo viral on social media, for committing this act.

Later, SGPC assistant secretary (media) Kulwinder Singh Ramdas said that on the instructions of SGPC president Dhami, a police complaint against Karamjit Singh has been lodged by the manager of Sri Darbar Sahib.

"Visiting Sri Harmandar Sahib while wearing a t-shirt with a photo of such a person (Tytler) is an act of annoying the Sikhs," said Dhami.

Tytler's name had figured in connection with the anti-Sikh riots of 1984.

Dhami said it is clear that Amritsar-based Karamjit Singh, a representative of Congress party, has committed this act as part of "deliberate conspiracy".

"The Congress has always remained anti-Sikh. Today, the Congress leader has once again hurt the Sikh sentiments by publicising the photo of Tytler at Harmandar Sahib," he said.

Harmandar Sahib is the central shrine of Sikhs and is also a centre of devotion for the people of the whole world, the SGPC chief said, adding the act of hurting Sikh sentiments at this holy place cannot be tolerated.


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