DDC Doda reviews performance of PWD, PMGSY departments

Asks for adhering to quality parameters, focus on creation of durable assets

DODA: District Development Commissioner Doda, Vishesh Paul Mahajan today chaired a meeting of officers of PWD and PMGSY departments in the mini meeting hall of DC office to review the physical and financial progress of the works under their implementation.

During the meeting, threadbare discussion with regard to physical and financial status of the projects taken under CRF, NABARB, District Capex, Area Development Plan, UT Capex. He also took first hand appraisal of the estimation, accord of AA, work allotments, expenditure incurred, bills submitted in treasuries etc.

The DDC, while reviewing scheme wise works, discussed each sector in detail and passed on the directions regarding the land disputes and other issues due to which some roads and buildings were held up. He further directed the executing departments to complete the tendering and allotment of works having no issue within the next 3 days.

The DDC directed the concerned departments to furnish the list of NABARD works requiring funds so that the matter shall be taken up at appropriate level. He further sought the list of the works likely to be completed in the upcoming days to make arrangements for their early inauguration for the benefit of the general public.

The DDC also directed the engineering departments to frame the bills of works which have been completed and to submit the same in respective treasuries, besides setting the deadline of November 15 to ensure 75% expenditure without fail.

Regarding quality of works, the DDC informed that asset creation and quality of work is the top most priority of the district administration. He asked to avoid taking up unfeasible projects to avoid wasteful expenditure.

Further, the DDC directed the PWD department to issue notices to the workshops causing damage to the public property due to un-chanalised water, besides directed to take strict action against the contractor causing un- reasonable delays in completing the works entrusted to them.

Regarding ongoing blacktopping of roads, the DDC directed to expedite the macadamisation and to complete the targets within the working season.

Reviewing the pace of work on Mega projects including GMC Doda and High Altitude Medicinal Plant being executed by the PWD department, the DDC directed the concerned officers to complete the balance work and set September end as the deadline for the completion.

While reviewing the PMGSY sector, the DDC directed the concerned officers to furnish the list of works which are likely to be completed in the upcoming days for inauguration, besides directed to take up the matter of felling of trees with the forest department so that the work on the roads shall be paced up on priority basis.

The meeting was attended by SE PWD, CPO Doda, ACD Doda, AC Panchayat, Ex En PWD Doda, Bhaderwah, Spl Sub Division Gandoh,Ex En PMGSY Thathri, AD Planning DC office, besides Technical officer Ex En PMGSY Doda was also present in the meeting.

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